Wedding in Italy is all about medieval castles, Renaissance villas, Venetian palaces, elegant restaurants, parks drowning in trees and flowers, picturesque lakes and magnificent beaches. We only cooperate with reliable and trusted contractors and guarantee the quality of the services provided. For us, wedding in Italy is an art, and every wedding should be unique, special and, of course, exciting! Each project is the combination of your dreams and imagination and our extensive experience and professionalism! We always take into account that every wedding is an event that is very personal, each couple having its own story, so we make your celebration as personalized as possible. Wedding in Italy is a formal or a symbolic ceremony or a wedding service. Bella Vita Wedding & Event Planner will help you prepare the necessary package of marriage documents in the municipality and church. And, of course, we take full responsibility for organization and setting of your wedding day! If you wish, we can design any wedding script for you and provide the following services.